Vision saves time and money while ensuring quality. A maker of archery equipment needed a system to inspect over 80 variations of die-cut arrow vanes and then load them into packaging. Since the vanes drop out of the die at a very fast rate, a high speed camera is used to inspect the vanes as they pass by on a belt conveyor. Vanes that fail the inspection are removed from the conveyor via an air jet. Due to the high product flow rate and typical image processing time, a second camera is required downstream to provide coordinate data to two Adept Quatro high-speed robots. The Quatros place the vanes in groups of ten on a parallel conveyor. At the end of the parallel conveyor, an Adept Cobra s600 SCARA robot uses a vacuum tool to obtain 10 vanes at a time and place them into the bulk packaging. The packaging is presented to the SCARA on a rotary dial table. An operator on the opposite side of the rotary dial is responsible for loading and unloading packaging.